diff options
author= <pux@pux.dom>2020-12-11 18:51:51 +0100
committer= <pux@pux.dom>2020-12-11 18:51:51 +0100
commit67e3ff1c472950947a080a51418ef80ed7bda7fe (patch)
parent1a12e969ed5b15e70bff45124bae941e54f9dd22 (diff)
syntax highlighting dark compatible theme
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/syntax-highlighting-dark_theme/syntax-highlighting.py b/syntax-highlighting-dark_theme/syntax-highlighting.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3f608ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax-highlighting-dark_theme/syntax-highlighting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This script uses Pygments and Python3. You must have both installed
+# for this to work.
+# http://pygments.org/
+# http://python.org/
+# It may be used with the source-filter or repo.source-filter settings
+# in cgitrc.
+# The following environment variables can be used to retrieve the
+# configuration of the repository for which this script is called:
+# CGIT_REPO_URL ( = repo.url setting )
+# CGIT_REPO_NAME ( = repo.name setting )
+# CGIT_REPO_PATH ( = repo.path setting )
+# CGIT_REPO_OWNER ( = repo.owner setting )
+# CGIT_REPO_DEFBRANCH ( = repo.defbranch setting )
+# CGIT_REPO_SECTION ( = section setting )
+# CGIT_REPO_CLONE_URL ( = repo.clone-url setting )
+import sys
+import io
+from pygments import highlight
+from pygments.util import ClassNotFound
+from pygments.lexers import TextLexer
+from pygments.lexers import guess_lexer
+from pygments.lexers import guess_lexer_for_filename
+from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
+sys.stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace')
+sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace')
+data = sys.stdin.read()
+filename = sys.argv[1]
+formatter = HtmlFormatter(style='monokai', nobackground=True)
+ lexer = guess_lexer_for_filename(filename, data)
+except ClassNotFound:
+ # check if there is any shebang
+ if data[0:2] == '#!':
+ lexer = guess_lexer(data)
+ else:
+ lexer = TextLexer()
+except TypeError:
+ lexer = TextLexer()
+# highlight! :-)
+# printout pygments' css definitions as well
+sys.stdout.write(highlight(data, lexer, formatter, outfile=None))
in each repos: see "about"-tab (if existing) for more details / README.
mailto contact at omeckman dot net
all timestamps in UTC (German winter time: UTC+01:00, summer time: UTC+02:00)
dark theme is a modded version of: https://gist.github.com/Yoplitein/f4b671a2ec70c9e743fa