diff options
authorpux <pux@pux.dom>2021-01-07 19:39:17 +0100
committerpux <pux@pux.dom>2021-01-07 19:39:17 +0100
commit39765e002e71a2dd54e932469877acfc1b6fcb67 (patch)
parentbbbba6c698a73fc1a6bd00f7a07c89ba19ce38c5 (diff)
add *.exp; (this is redundant information, just to be able to diff later on)HEADmaster
6 files changed, 411 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/exp/FB_BECKHOFF_EL5101_INC.EXP b/exp/FB_BECKHOFF_EL5101_INC.EXP
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e262631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exp/FB_BECKHOFF_EL5101_INC.EXP
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+(* @NESTEDCOMMENTS := 'Yes' *)
+(* @PATH := '\/TEMP' *)
+(* @OBJECTFLAGS := '0, 8' *)
+(* @SYMFILEFLAGS := '2048' *)
+ E_InfoData_AdsAddr_port AT%I* : INT;
+ E_InfoData_State AT%I* : INT;
+ E_CounterValue AT%I* : UINT;
+ UEboReferenzieren : BOOL;
+ UErSkalierung : REAL;
+ UErRefWertMm : REAL;
+ A_SetCounter AT%Q* : BOOL;
+ A_SetCounterValue AT%Q* : UINT;
+ UAboReferenziert : BOOL;
+ UArWert: REAL;
+ pfReferenzieren : R_TRIG;
+(* @END_DECLARATION := '0' *)
+(** Beckhoff EL5101 Incremental Encoder Interface **)
+UArWert := E_CounterValue / UErSkalierung;
+ACTION a_Referenzieren:
+ UEboReferenzieren
+ AND E_InfoData_State = 8 (* Op *)
+UEboReferenzieren := FALSE;
+A_SetCounter := 0;
+(* z.B. RefWertMm = 432
+ Skalierung = 25
+ => 10800 *)
+A_SetCounterValue :=
+ * UErSkalierung);
+ (* TODO: Andere Typen? *)
+IF pfReferenzieren.Q THEN
+ A_SetCounter := 1;
+ UAboReferenziert := TRUE;
diff --git a/exp/FB_DI.EXP b/exp/FB_DI.EXP
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bead42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exp/FB_DI.EXP
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+(* @NESTEDCOMMENTS := 'Yes' *)
+(* @PATH := '\/TEMP' *)
+(* @OBJECTFLAGS := '0, 8' *)
+(* @SYMFILEFLAGS := '2048' *)
+ UEboDisable : BOOL;
+ UEboResetFlankenZaehler: BOOL;
+ UEtEntprellZeit: TIME := t#50ms;
+ UEboProtokolle : BOOL;
+ UEsName: STRING := 'unbenannt';
+ UAboInputPosFlanke: BOOL;
+ UAboInputEntprellt: BOOL;
+ UAboInput: BOOL;
+ UAboInputNegFlanke: BOOL;
+ pfInput: R_TRIG;
+ dwPosFlanken: DWORD;
+ tonInput: TON;
+ nfInput: F_TRIG;
+ dwNegFlanken: DWORD;
+ sTemp: STRING;
+(* @END_DECLARATION := '0' *)
+(* Digital Input FB *)
+pfInput(clk:=E_INPUT AND NOT UEboDisable);
+nfInput(clk:=E_INPUT AND NOT UEboDisable);
+IF pfInput.Q THEN
+ dwPosFlanken := dwPosFlanken + 1;
+(* IF UEboProtokolle THEN
+ fProtokoll(1, CONCAT('pfInput: ', UEsName), 0);
+ END_IF*)
+IF nfInput.Q THEN
+ dwNegFlanken := dwNegFlanken + 1;
+(* IF UEboProtokolle THEN
+ fProtokoll(1, CONCAT('nfInput: ', UEsName), 0);
+ END_IF*)
+IF UEboResetFlankenZaehler THEN
+ UEboResetFlankenZaehler := FALSE;
+ dwPosFlanken := 0;
+ dwNegFlanken := 0;
+tonInput(in:=E_INPUT AND NOT UEboDisable, pt:=UEtEntprellZeit);
+UAboInput := E_INPUT AND NOT UEboDisable;
+UAboInputPosFlanke := pfInput.Q;
+UAboInputNegFlanke := nfInput.Q;
+UAboInputEntprellt := tonInput.Q;
diff --git a/exp/FB_EWMA.EXP b/exp/FB_EWMA.EXP
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6496df9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exp/FB_EWMA.EXP
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+(* @NESTEDCOMMENTS := 'Yes' *)
+(* @PATH := '' *)
+(* @OBJECTFLAGS := '0, 8' *)
+(* @SYMFILEFLAGS := '2048' *)
+ IN_rN : REAL := 15; (* Filter constant alpha := rN/(rN+1) *)
+ IN_rXk : REAL; (* Input value to smooth *)
+ OUT_rXk_avg : REAL; (* smoothed output *)
+ rAlpha : REAL;
+ rXk_avg_old : REAL;
+(* Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Filter
+Author: mo
+Date: 2019-02
+Filter constant: alpha := n / (n+1)
+EWMA Filter: Xk_avg := alpha*Xk_prev + (1-alpha)*Xk
+(* @END_DECLARATION := '0' *)
+rAlpha := IN_rN/(IN_rN+1);
+OUT_rXk_avg := rAlpha * rXk_avg_old
+ + ( (1 - rAlpha) * IN_rXk);
+rXk_avg_old := OUT_rXk_avg;
diff --git a/exp/FB_INC_DECODER.EXP b/exp/FB_INC_DECODER.EXP
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2433c18
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+(* @NESTEDCOMMENTS := 'Yes' *)
+(* @PATH := '' *)
+(* @OBJECTFLAGS := '0, 8' *)
+(* @SYMFILEFLAGS := '2048' *)
+ IN_xChA : BOOL; (* Channel A *)
+ IN_xChB : BOOL; (* Channel B, 90-degree rotated to Channel A *)
+ IN_xReset : BOOL; (* Reset counter to 0 *)
+ IN_xEnPosWindow : BOOL; (* TRUE if you want to overflow the counting at min/max values below *)
+ IN_diMinVal : DINT;
+ IN_diMaxVal : DINT;
+ OUT_diActVal : DINT;
+ OUT_pdiActVal : DINT;
+ rtChA : R_TRIG;
+ rtChB : R_TRIG;
+ ftChA : F_TRIG;
+ ftChB : F_TRIG;
+ xFirstCycle : BOOL;
+Incremental Encoder Decoder FB
+Author: mo
+Date: 2019-02
+ alternative OSCAT implementation (faulty!) below:
+ axb := cha XOR chb;
+ (* create pulses for channel a *)
+ clka := cha XOR edgea;
+ edgea := cha;
+ clkb := chb XOR edgeb;
+ edgeb := chb;
+ (* create pulses for both channels *)
+ clk := clka OR clkb;
+ (* set the direction output *)
+ IF axb AND clka THEN dir := TRUE; END_IF;
+ IF axb AND clkb THEN dir := FALSE; END_IF;
+ (* increment or decrement the counter *)
+ IF clk AND dir THEN cnt := cnt + 1; END_IF;
+ IF clk AND NOT dir THEN cnt := cnt -1; END_IF;
+ (* reset the counter if rst active *)
+ IF rst THEN cnt := 0; END_IF;
+ </OSCAT>
+=> problem here is: if your first pulse is e.g. a rising edge on CHb
+ with a high signal on CHa, it will increment cnt, but in the FALSE
+ direction instead of the TRUE direction. so your first pulse might count
+ into the wrong direction!
+This implementation accounts for all possible transitions.
+You can use OUT_diActVal or the persistent Version OUT_pdiActVal if your hardware
+is not moving while powered off to avoid reference runs at each restart of the PLC.
+ 1 |----| |----| |-
+A 0 _| |____| |____|
+ 1 |----| |----| |-
+B 0 _| |____| |____|
+(* @END_DECLARATION := '0' *)
+(* don't evaluate the changing edges when PLC starts up *)
+IF xFirstCycle THEN
+ IF (rtChA.Q AND NOT IN_xChB)
+ OR (ftChA.Q AND IN_xChB)
+ OR (rtChB.Q AND IN_xChA)
+ OR (ftChB.Q AND NOT IN_xChA)
+ OUT_diActVal := OUT_diActVal + 1;
+ OUT_pdiActVal := OUT_pdiActVal + 1;
+ IF (rtChA.Q AND IN_xChB)
+ OR (ftChA.Q AND NOT IN_xChB)
+ OR (rtChB.Q AND NOT IN_xChA)
+ OR (ftChB.Q AND IN_xChA)
+ OUT_diActVal := OUT_diActVal - 1;
+ OUT_pdiActVal := OUT_pdiActVal - 1;
+IF IN_xReset THEN
+ OUT_diActVal := 0;
+ OUT_pdiActVal := 0;
+IF IN_xEnPosWindow THEN
+ IF OUT_diActVal < IN_diMinVal THEN
+ OUT_diActVal := IN_diMaxVal - 1;
+ IF OUT_diActVal >= IN_diMaxVal THEN
+ OUT_diActVal := IN_diMinVal;
+ (* for persistent counter *)
+ IF OUT_pdiActVal < IN_diMinVal THEN
+ OUT_pdiActVal := IN_diMaxVal - 1;
+ IF OUT_pdiActVal >= IN_diMaxVal THEN
+ OUT_pdiActVal := IN_diMinVal;
+xFirstCycle := TRUE;
diff --git a/exp/FB_PID.EXP b/exp/FB_PID.EXP
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da3b92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exp/FB_PID.EXP
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+(* @NESTEDCOMMENTS := 'Yes' *)
+(* @PATH := '' *)
+(* @OBJECTFLAGS := '0, 8' *)
+(* @SYMFILEFLAGS := '2048' *)
+VAR_INPUT (* ex.: positioning *)
+ IN_xEnable : BOOL := TRUE;
+ IN_xReset : BOOL;
+ IN_rW : REAL; (* ex -> target position *)
+ IN_rX : REAL; (* ex -> actual position *)
+ IN_rKp : REAL := 1.0;
+ IN_rKi : REAL := 1.0;
+ IN_rKd : REAL := 1.0;
+ IN_xLimit : BOOL := FALSE;
+ IN_rLimit : REAL := 1024;
+ IN_rTa : REAL; (* sampling rate in s *)
+ OUT_rY : REAL; (* ex. -> set speed *)
+ rESum : REAL;
+ rE_old : REAL;
+ rE : REAL;
+ xWithinLimits : BOOL;
+ rY_tmp : REAL;
+ dwReset: DWORD;
+Author: mo
+Date: 2019-02
+ |z
+ w e y v
+ -->( )--->[controller]---->[system]---->
+ ^x |
+ | |
+ ----------------------------------
+Set up PID using Ziegler-Nichols-Method:
+1) Ki = 0, Kd = 0
+2) increase Kp until periodic oscillation occurs (and never stops swinging)
+3) this value is Kp_crit
+4) measured period length is T_crit
+5) use this table
+ Kp = 0.6 * Kp_crit
+ Tn = 0.5 * T_crit
+ Tv = 0.12 * T_crit
+ -> with [Ki = Kp / Tn] and [Kd = Kp * Tv]:
+ Kp = 0.6 * Kp_crit
+ Ki = Kp / (0.5 * T_crit)
+ Kd = Kp * (0.12 * T_crit)
+Kp_crit = 25
+T_crit = 2s
+Kp = 0.6 * 25 = 15
+Ki = 15 / (0.5 * 2s) = 15
+Kd = 15 * (0.12 * 2s) = 3,6
+(* @END_DECLARATION := '0' *)
+IF IN_xEnable
+ AND NOT IN_xReset
+ rE := IN_rW - IN_rX;
+ xWithinLimits := NOT IN_xLimit
+ OR (IN_xLimit AND rY_tmp >= -IN_rLimit AND rY_tmp < IN_rLimit);
+ IF xWithinLimits THEN
+ rESum := rEsum + rE;
+ rY_tmp := (IN_rKp*rE) + (IN_rKi*IN_rTa*rEsum) + (IN_rKd*(rE-rE_old)/IN_rTa);
+ OUT_rY := rY_tmp;
+ IF NOT xWithinLimits THEN
+ IF OUT_rY >= 0 THEN OUT_rY := IN_rLimit; ELSE OUT_rY := -IN_rLimit; END_IF
+ rE_old := rE;
+IF IN_xReset THEN
+ rESum := 0;
+ rE_old := 0;
+ dwReset := dwReset + 1;
diff --git a/exp/MAIN.EXP b/exp/MAIN.EXP
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ca487d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exp/MAIN.EXP
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+(* @NESTEDCOMMENTS := 'Yes' *)
+(* @PATH := '' *)
+(* @OBJECTFLAGS := '0, 8' *)
+(* @SYMFILEFLAGS := '2048' *)
+(* @END_DECLARATION := '0' *)
in each repos: see "about"-tab (if existing) for more details / README.
mailto contact at omeckman dot net
all timestamps in UTC (German winter time: UTC+01:00, summer time: UTC+02:00)
dark theme is a modded version of: