BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterchange readme so you can dl files without having the whole git repospux2021-08-20 12:59  3 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2021-08-20 12:59  3 yearschange readme so you can dl files without having the whole git reposHEADmasterpux
2021-08-20 12:35  3 yearsupdate md2html: no self-contained htmls!pux
2021-08-20 12:31  3 yearsadd md2html stuff, temporary, should not be IN a project repospux
2020-12-11 12:53  3 yearsedit README layoutpux
2020-12-11 12:26  3 yearsadd demo shotspux
2020-12-11 12:22  3 yearsimport >> git repospux
in each repos: see "about"-tab (if existing) for more details / README.
mailto contact at omeckman dot net
all timestamps in UTC (German winter time: UTC+01:00, summer time: UTC+02:00)
dark theme is a modded version of: https://gist.github.com/Yoplitein/f4b671a2ec70c9e743fa